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Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) & Treatment By Optometrists in Port Louis

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) & Treatment By Optometrists in Port Louis

13 May, 2023
Computer Vision Syndrome & Treatment By Optometrists in Port Louis

The blog communicates about Computer Vision Syndrome and the available treatment options by Optometrists in Port Louis.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), also known as digital eye strain, is a condition that occurs due to prolonged use of digital screens such as computer monitors, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. CVS affects people across all age groups.

Causes and Symptoms

The causes constitute a combination of factors, including:

  • poor lighting,
  • glare,
  • keeping the screen at an improper distance (too near or too far) and angle.

Some of the symptoms of CVS include eyestrain, dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, and neck and shoulder pain.

Treatment for CVS typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes and medical interventions. Here are some of the most effective treatment options of CVS:

  1. Taking Frequent Breaks: One of the most effective ways to reduce the symptoms of CVS is to take frequent breaks from the computer screen. Doctors recommend taking a 20-second break in every 20 minutes to look away from the screen and focus on something kept at a distance. This will help reduce eye strain and improve overall eye health.
  1. Adjusting Screen Settings: Adjusting the brightness, contrast, and colour temperature of the screen can also help reduce the symptoms of CVS. Experts recommend reducing the brightness of the screen to match the lighting in the room and using a blue light filter to reduce the amount of blue light emitted by the screen.
  1. Use Proper Lighting: Proper lighting is essential to reduce the symptoms of CVS. Experts recommend using a soft light source that is positioned to the side of the screen and not directly in front of the user’s eyes. This technique helps to reduce glare and improve overall eye health.
  1. Optimize Screen Distance and Angle: The distance and angle of the screen are also important factors in reducing the symptoms of CVS. Experts recommend positioning the screen at arm’s length and slightly below eye level. This will help reduce the strain on the eyes and neck.
  1. Medical Interventions: In severe cases, medical interventions such as prescription eyeglasses, lubricating eye drops, and anti-reflective coatings may become necessary to reduce the symptoms of CVS. These interventions should be recommended and monitored by an eye care professional.

At i2i optical store, under the care of Optometrists in Port Louis, we guide about such conditions at length. Keep following our blogs for more such updates and get in touch with us today!

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