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Eye Problems Commonly Found in School Children

Eye Problems Commonly Found in School Children

26 Mar, 2021
Eye Problems Commonly Found in School Children

Children of all ages are prone to various eye conditions. If they get the accurate diagnosis then correct treatment is possible. If the problems are left untreated then it starts to affect the child’s development in terms of social, emotional and also educational.

As has been observed at the optical store in Curepipe, school children can usually tell if they are facing any discomfort in the eyes. If and when they experience any blurriness in their vision, they would surely inform their parents or elders as it disrupts their daily lives.

Worrying eye problems like glaucoma are rarely found in children but some other conditions like eye infections and refractory errors can be found quite commonly in school children. These and other common issues are easily treatable. Optometrists at the best optical shop in Mauritius have handled many such conditions successfully.

The following diseases are quite common in school children:

Lazy Eye

The medical term for it is ‘amblyopia’. The condition is that where the two eyes are not aligned properly. One of the eyes is either turned out or in or down or up. It suggests that the wandering one is weaker than the other. Getting in touch with eye care specialists at the optical store in Curepipe is essential to prevent the chances of loss of vision which might arise from this condition.


The white portion of the eye gets an inflammation. The redness caused due to that gives it the name ‘pink eye’. It might affect one or both the eyes. It is highly contagious too. Redness, itchiness, swelling, crusty eyelids in the morning, burning sensation are all symptoms of this condition.

Allergies to Eyes

Various allergens like pollen, grass or mold cause this. There is no risk to a child’s vision but it can cause significant discomfort. The experts at the best optical shop in Mauritius explain that the symptoms of this condition include itchiness, increased tears, swelling and redness.

If any of these conditions do not go away with time and general remedies at home, then you should consult a specialist. If you need to know more about eye problems commonly found in School Children.

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